For saddle-stitched booklets, in particular thicker booklets and
those that are to be inserted into envelopes, it is important that
the booklet lays as flat as possible.
The IBIS Smart-binder folds each sheet individually and then collects
booklets on the saddle. When wire-stitching this results in flatter
booklets than other wire-stitched systems (that collect sheets first
prior to folding which reduces the fold quality). IBISs unique
ISG cold-glue binding system (a higher-quality alternative to conventional
wire stapling) produces even flatter booklets.
Bind quality
The bind strength of a saddle-stitched booklet is measured by how
easily the inner and outer sheet can be removed, which if wire stitching
is relatively easily! In comparison IBIS's unique and
patented ISG cold glue system gives a much higher bind strength
on the center and outside sheets.
Bind quality must also be maintained as the book thickness constantly
changes. IBISs ISG cold-glue process is ideal in this situation
because the bind quality is always the same whether the book contains
just 2 folded sheets or 50 folded sheets. Conventional machines
using wire-stitching give an over-tight stitch on thick books and
loose a stitch on thin books, unless the system is stopped for manual
adjustment. IBIS's optional new ASA-100 'dynamic' stitching system
automatically regulates each staple to perfectly suit the varying
thickness of each book and ensure perfect stitch quality.
Trim quality
IBIS Smart-binder 3-knife trimmer provides a high quality finish.
Uniquely the IBIS trimmer is able to process books with a constantly
varying thickness while maintaining a perfect edge trim. Other types
of trimmers must be stopped for belt pressure adjustment when book
thickness changes and trim quality may be compromised if adjustments
are not made. The IBIS Smart-binder includes a patented option for
reducing the tearing of the spine at each corner which is caused
by the side trim. This is not available on other trimming systems.
The Smart-binder finishing process is designed to avoid marking
or damage to sensitive, digitally-printed paper stocks. By avoiding
over-running trimmer transport belts, as used on other systems,
the Smart-binder avoids any risk of belts marking the books in the
As a result of these advantages and our high-build quality, you
can be sure that the IBIS Smart-binder will produce the optimum
finished book quality.