Innovative Digital Finishing Systems
2 September 2011

The latest digital print "buzz" has centered around the new generation of high-speed continuous form (CF) ink jet printers. There are also already installed many toner-based mono CF printers. Many of these printers are used to make perfect-bound books. The perfect-binder is usually used off-line, since there has only been one (high cost) in-line perfect-binding production system available until now.

IBIS PB-600STo address this limitation, IBIS is pleased to announce the launch of a very attractively-priced in-line perfect binding system for continuous-web digital printers, called the Perfect Binder PB-600S. The system is built around the single clamp C.P. Bourg BB3002 Perfect Binder, and the Challenge CMT-330 three-knife trimmer.

IBIS has long offered the Bourg binder and Challenge trimmer as part of their Smart-binder SB-4 system, which produces both saddle-stitched and perfect-bound books, and also their PB-600C system (which includes a sheet collector and is used in-line with cut-sheet digital printers). The Bourg BB3002 has proven itself to be a very capable binder. It can "auto-adjust" for various book thicknesses, can produce gate-fold covers, has a PUR option, and produces high-quality soft-bound books at a rate of around 400 books per hour. IBIS PB-600S videoThe Challenge CMT-330 three-knife trimmer connects directly in-line with the binder delivery via a book cooling elevator. The system can also adjust the trimmer automatically to each book's required trim dimensions and can match personalised covers to book contents.

The new PB-600S provides a way of using the Bourg binder and Challenge trimmer in-line with high speed web printers. The slideshow and video (click the left image) shows the PB-600S process.

Contact us using details below if you would like more information.

Yours sincerely,
John Cracknell
Managing Director, IBIS Bindery Systems

John Cracknell
Managing Director
IBIS Bindery Systems
Don Piontek
Digital Finishing Specialist
IBIS Bindery Systems
Sales Worldwide
Sales N. America
John Cracknell
tel +44 (0) 1494 561950
Don Piontek
tel +1 952 937 5100
CP Bourg Inc. Chuck Taylor
tel +1 508 998 2171 c_taylor@cpbourg