Innovative Digital Finishing Systems
11 January 2012

O'Neil Data and IBIS Establish a Long-term Partnership For the Future

Los Angeles-based O'Neil Data Systems has always been an innovator in both data, publishing, and print services. Founded by William J. O'Neil, the firm was one of the first to apply computer-based analysis to stock trading. O'Neil publishes the renowned Investor's Business Daily, and it's weekly stock analysis reports are highly valued within the investment community.

In the last few years, O'Neil has dramatically expanded it's services portfolio, entering the health care, financial, insurance, retail, and automotive sectors. O'Neil now offers comprehensive web-to-print and publishing services in these areas. The first firm to install HP's T-300 continuous ink-jet press, O'Neil now runs three of these units.

In the finishing category, O'Neil purchased IBIS Smart-binders a few years back after experiencing disappointing productivity with saddle-stitchers from other suppliers. The Smart-binders have proved to be winners for O'Neil, almost doubling productivity from their previous systems. The machines are used for a variety of variable-data saddle-stitching booklet applications. They run in "near-line" mode from connected roll unwinder-cutters. Since O'Neil is a big player in the health care fullfillment segment, the Smart-binders regularly produce many thousands of personalized policy and other informative booklets.


IBIS Smart-binder SB-3s installed at O’Neil Data (fed from roll unwinders and web cutters)

When O'Neil made the decision to expand eastward by opening another plant in Plano, Texas, the call was made to IBIS to acquire two more Smart-binders for this facility.

Steve Ellithorpe, O'Neil's Operations Manager put it this way:

“ We have built up years of experience in running four  IBIS Smart-binders at our production site in LA.  These machines proved to be solid performers and capable of operating at peak production rates over a long time periods. Our first thought, therefore, when setting up a new O’Neil facility this year in Plano, Texas was to look to IBIS for additional finishing equipment.

We recently installed two additional Smart-binder systems in Plano which are now operational and contributing well to the effective start-up of this large new production site.  We are pleased to have become one of the largest users of IBIS Smart-binders in the USA.

The IBIS technical team have trained O’Neil engineers to successfully self maintain their Smart-binders, and have provided quick responses to any support issues. That, and the Smart-binder's proven track record for 24/7 operation, have created a nice comfort zone at O'Neil.No doubt O'Neil's expansion plans are not over and we look forward to supplying further equipment to O’Neil in future.

John Cracknell
Managing Director, IBIS Bindery Systems

John Cracknell
Managing Director
IBIS Bindery Systems
Don Piontek
Digital Finishing Specialist
IBIS Bindery Systems
Sales Worldwide
Sales N. America
John Cracknell
tel +44 (0) 1494 561950
Don Piontek
tel +1 952 937 5100
CP Bourg Inc. Chuck Taylor
tel +1 508 998 2171