Bindery Systems

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About IBIS and the Smart-binder

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IBIS Smart-binder article, Oct 2020

Smart-binder with web speeds up to 180 m/min

Smart-binder with web speeds up to 180 m/min

The Revenge of the engineers. An Article by Simon Eccles about IBIS's progress over the last 20 years starting with their digi-stitcher and then the current Smart-binder.

View Article article, July 2016

The IBIS Smart-binder

The IBIS Smart-binder

An article by Simon Eccles about the IBIS Smart-binder SB3 Plus HS, what it does, when launched, the options available, its speed and ease of use and the support offered by IBIS.

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John Patrick Publishing, CEO John Hartmann

John Patrick Publishing, CEO John Hartmann

Four printers share their digital finishing success stories for high-speed inkjet, February 2017

Two of these companies have IBIS machines - Liturgical Publications (IBIS Smart-binder SB-2) and John Patrick Publishing Co (IBIS Smart-binder SB-3), and we present these sections of the article.

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Simon Eccles, writing a ‘Star Product’ for PrintWeek

The latest Smart-binder Plus HS has been launched, with performance and reliability enhancements to keep up with the fastest digital web preses. Target markets are digital press users that need a high-speed, heavy duty saddle-binder that can run 24/7 to make booklets and publications.

Postmaster-Magazin, Germany

Since 2005 production has been handled by a Smartbinder SB-3 from IBIS equipped with a special patented sheet-gluing system able to process up to 650 booklets/hour. It has proven itself all round... Now, R+V has invested in the follow up model SB-3 Plus that has handled production since April 22. It features a 30 per cent higher performance in comparison to the older Smartbinder and maximum thickness has enlarged from 84 to 90 sheets.

Simon Eccles, former Editor, Digital Printer

IBIS is a successful exporter …it is confident of increased sales in future as high-end digital web printing continues to expand… IBIS has introduced the SmartBinder-Plus, as a significant upgrade to its SmartBinder digital saddle stitcher products.

Gareth Ward, Editor, The Print Business

The IBIS can produce a product to 200pp, folding each sheet separately to give a high quality finished result…. IBIS is especially strong in the US where it is producing the reports needed by the insurance and healthcare industies. website

Smart-binder PLUS model is 30% faster and has a range of other new benefits.

Global Print Monitor editorial

Advantages of the new 'PLUS' model include higher web speeds with 4-page increments , increased cycling rate with faster trimmer, high capacity cover feeder , automatic stop-stitch, and selective folding.

Juan Diaz, Editor, Global Print Monitor

IBIS Integrated Bindery Systems, the market leader in digital in-line saddle stitching.

Erik Vlietinck,

The new Smart-binder Plus model adds several enhancements to the base market-leading Smart-binder system.

IBIS Daily (published by PrintWeek)

Ibis Integrated Bindery Systems sold a Smart-binder SB-3 'Plus HS' saddle stitcher to Turkish printer Meteksan at the show. The purchase marks a move on Meteksan's part from conventional offsetfinishingto digital, and will be run in line with a Canon ColorStream web printerand Hunkelerweb cutter to process variable data exam booklets.